Winter is the time for comfort, for good food and
warmth, for the touch of a friendly hand and for a talk
beside the fire: it is the time for home.

Edith Sitwell


Winter Stories


Winter Stories talks about a winter love story of Sandy Nguyen
A Vietnamese student in England. This book contains all ups
and downs in her love story, with many cultural events between
Vietnam and England.

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Sandy Nguyen

Sandy is a college student in Asian History in Oxford University. She has started her book publishing career in 19, when she was a college freshman.

Winter Story is her first-hand book in here publishing & writing career. She has started writing for. Winter Story since winter 2007. This book records a love story between international college students. The main character in this book, Sandy, was named as the author's real name.

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Sandy is now working as freelance copywriter for some big brands. Her excellent copywriting skills are demonstrated in many print ads, TVCs, editorials, etc.


Besides copywriting, Sandy also loves taking photos of daily life. She owns a Flickr collection to share her passion in photography with the community.


Not only a great writer, Sandy often goes to university and cultural centers to share her experience and knowledge in arts, writing, books, music, culture.

On the move

Sandy shares her traveling stories. From Asia, Europe, the US, etc. Her goal is to travel around the world.

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